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Corpus Christi 2024

On Sunday, June 2, 2024 the Diocese of Kamloops celebrated Corpus Christi at Riverside Park. The celebrations started with the Rosary at 10 am, followed by a Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Nguyen and concelebrated by priest from the Diocese. During homily Bishop Joseph was talking about the importance of Eucharist.

The Holy Mass was followed by a procession to Sacred Heart Cathedral. Bishop Jopseph was holding Jesus in monstrance during procession and stood on the Cathedral’s steps until all attendees arrived. Then, he went to the Church for Benediction and final Blessing.

The traffic controllers did an amazing job guiding during the procession and helping to cross the intersections safely.

We would like to extend big thank you to all the attendees, especially Bishop Joseph and all the clergy. Without you this event would be impossible. Thank you to all the sponsors, business and personal, for generous support of Corpus Christi. Those donations made a significant impact on the success of the event. A big thank to all volunteers who helped out with organization and set up.


Noah and His experience of Corpus Christi celebration

Kathleen Svedberg and her Son, Noah. share their experience of Corpus Christi Sunday at Riverside Park:

“Noah could hardly believe his eyes… Mass outside! To my relief, Noah paid attention well despite the possible distractions an outdoor Mass presented. He listened intently when Bishop Nguyen recounted the story of the mother saving her baby in the rubble of the earthquake. He asked me why people were speaking in different languages during the intentions. He drew a picture of the bandshell altar in the notebook he brings to Mass. It wasn’t until our car ride home that Noah commented on the many people that were there, from all parts of the world who are Catholic. This led to a discussion on the Church being one big family and we are all connected. God is with us whether we are alone or in a big crowd. During the procession up to the church, Noah seemed very proud to participate singing and taking a pamphlet from Marcella to follow along with the words. Of course, now Noah wants every Mass held at Riverside!”