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Teachings on Typology

Thursday, January 30, 2025
7:15 – 8:15 pm

Typology explains the connections between Old and New Testament

What had happened in the Old Testament, finds fulfilment in the New Testament by Jesus Christ.

 ISAAC                                               NEW ISAAC (Jesus)

Climbs Mt. Moriah                             Climbs Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem

Carries wood for sacrifice                   Carries wood (cross)

Placed on woods                                Nailed to wood (cross)

Ram horns caught in thickets             Head caught in thickets of thorns

ADAM                                                NEW ADAM (Jesus)

Committed sin                                    Took sin upon Himself

Work: thorns/thistles                          Crown of thorns

Sweat & fruitless labor                        Sweat blood

Death                                                 Died to bring New Life

Come and join us and learn more! Everyone welcome!